Flea Control
Here are some tips for
battling fleas on your dog:
It is best to prevent fleas than to treat active infestations.
Repeat treatments are necessary to kill new fleas that jump on your pet and
to kill the different stages of the flea as they develop in your home and
For monthly products, keep a reminder system. Try giving medications the same
day of every month. Place the reminder in your calendar or on your
If your pet's a swimmer or bathed frequently, consider "waterproof"
products or "water-resistant" products
Most veterinarians recommend year-round flea prevention.
Some flea control products are combined with heartworm prevention
medications, tick control medications, and other gastrointestinal parasite
control. Talk to your vet about which product might be best for your pet.
It's prime time for fleas right now. Yes, you read that
right. Now. Nope, it's not only in spring or summer.
Some of the worst flea problems occur in the fall when fleas have had all
summer to reproduce, leaving large numbers around and allowing for terrible
Many pet parents mistakenly believe that fleas die off and are out of sight in
the fall (and therefore out of mind) but nothing can be further from the truth.
Temperatures are still warm enough outside, so fleas are still actively breeding.
Plus there's typically an increase in precipitation in the fall months and
fleas love that. Fleas can also live inside your warm home and will continue to
multiply until you do something about it.
It All Comes Down To Unprotected Pets.
Many pet
parents choose to let their dogs go without protection in the fall and winter,
leaving them at great risk for picking up these pesky pests in the yard, by the
lake or on a walk. Fleas can jump 8-12 inches – just the right amount to stow
away on their mobile meals (your dog). Within 30 minutes, those disgusting
little vampires start sucking your dog's blood. In just 24 hours, a flea will
start breeding. Without treatment, these little bloodsuckers can live six to 12
months … feeding on your poor dog the whole time.
The flea eggs begin hatching within two-five days and the whole lifecycle of
the flea continues until your pets, your carpets … even your bed are infested
with those itchy and nasty buggers.
And don't be fooled by cooler weather. Just because the temperatures start
dropping outside doesn't mean the fleas will die off in your home. They're
still nice and toasty warm inside your home … breeding and multiplying to your
dog's (and your) irritation.
Stop Them In Their Tracks Now!
Now that you know how serious the flea problem is in the fall, I urge all pet parents to get on board and protect
your beloved pets against these nasty, icky and painful pests. There's
no reason any dog should go unprotected this fall. If price is an issue, not to
worry! I have a great deal for you.
My partnership with 1-800-PetMeds is a great way for you to stock up on
your flea and tick protection and stay on top of fleas all year long. They
offer flea and tick medication at a deep discount – 30-40% off the regular price
– along with free shipping right to your door. They make it so easy and
convenient to get your medications, your dog never has to go without … and you
never have to worry about fleas ever again.
, I wanted to let you know about a very special offer just for PetPlace
subscribers. You can take an extra 10% off your order at 1-800-PetMeds.
To get your extra 10% off, click
Shop now for the same top brands I recommend at my clinic at prices you can
afford, including:
Top Flea/Tick Prevention Brands