Thursday, June 28, 2012

June 28, 2012 – Fireworks and Your Canine Friend

On Fri, Jun 22, 2012 at 11:00 PM, Andi O Blume <> wrote:

 Hi Renee--just getting back to you about the sounds of fireworks. I  saw that you are offering a "safe haven" for our pets, but the reason  I asked is for at least a week before--and after July 4th, people  continue this abuse in all neighborhoods so I was wanting some noises  to help Miss Scarlett with this; as well as for other pet owners. 

Desensitize Fireworks BEFORE the Day!

 Renee’s Email:

I would encourage that anytime you hear fireworks, you have a party with your dog!  Give her great treats (like steak) and then when the fireworks stop --the party stops.  Sometimes dogs like to go into their kennels because they feel safe; in that case I might give them a good chew bone and let them stay in their kennel for the duration of the fireworks.  The best bet is to desensitize before this season comes around by purchasing a CD with fireworks on it and starting it out really softly to coordinate your dog’s threshold and give cookies. Then as your dog becomes more comfortable, turn the sound up.  Continue this process until you have the fireworks blaring out the stereo :)

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